Hello everyone!
Happy Solstice/Midsummer! And, thank you so much to everyone who has signed up to beta test my course, Dream Interpretation & Beyond! I really appreciate your help and support. If anyone else is interested (or knows anyone who might be interested), you/they can sign up for beta testing and learn more here. And, if you know someone who would enjoy reading this newsletter, please share it with them!
If you hadn’t already picked up on this, it’s pretty much my life’s mission to help make the world a better place, so I was very excited when one of my readers told me that something I’d said in my last newsletter prompted him and his wife to make a change. It was the call to “stop using plastic,” that they heeded. He said he read that and thought, “Really, we can stop using plastic water bottles. It’s not that hard to just fill up our Yetis or water bottles. It’s a small change in thinking and lifestyle but really, there’s no excuse NOT to do it. We’re just being lazy by not doing it.” He said he’d thought about how his individual impact hadn’t seemed that large but when he multiplied it by the population of his entire state of California (40 million)…well, that’s a lot of trash floating in the ocean.
This anecdote brings to mind an African folktale my mentor told me, which I will attempt to summarize:
There was a huge forest fire and all of the animals of the forest were standing around, fretting about what could be done. As they did this, they saw Hummingbird fly by, drop a single drop of water from her beak onto the fire, fly away, and then fly back, dropping a single drop of water, over and over. The other animals of the forest laughed at her and said, “How could you possibly be helping anything? What’s one little drop of water going to do to stop a forest fire?” Hummingbird was undeterred by their idle judgment and simply said, “This is what I can do, little as it is, and I’m going to do my part.” SNAP.
So, ask yourself, “Do I want to be like the hummingbird and do everything I can, small as it may seem, or like the other animals and watch the world burn down around me, paralyzed by fear and the enormity of the problem?”
Another reader (my brother) wanted me to add an item to the apocalypse “revelations” list from the last newsletter, and that item is: “There is no salvation in Netflix.” Amen to that. We could probably add Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and whatever the hell other time sucking apps we have on our phones, that serve the purpose of marking time, but drain our will to live in the process. I digress.
The article of mine that I’m going to share with you today was recently published online by Spirituality & Health Magazine. It’s on one of my favorite topics: mystical, unexplained experiences; those things that make you go hmmm. We’ve all experienced them: that chance encounter with a special person, the dream that seemed a little too real to be just a dream, the monologue delivered by an actor on TV who seemed to be speaking directly to you, the bird that seems to be following you around, the three-legged toad that lives in your courtyard, help that arrives just in the nick of time, the little voice guiding you to a fateful place, the money that arrives as if by divine intervention, the shadowy figure you see one evening in your dining room, the friend who calls just as you were about to call them. All of these experiences leave us with the feeling that something extraordinary has happened, that there’s been a rupture in linear space-time and something otherworldly has moved in, if only for a moment. I explain how we can begin to honor and encourage these experiences, by keeping a numinosity journal. As Westerners, we’ve been trained to believe that these experiences are meaningless, coincidental, or imaginary. Keeping a record helps our logical, Western minds begin to gather hard evidence of not only the occurrence of these experiences but of their utility in our lives, which, in turn, helps to convince our logical brains that maybe mysticism isn’t complete horseshit after all.
This is Jin Chan. He is a mythical, three-legged toad who arrives during the full moon, bringing fortune and fertility to those who are lucky enough to encounter him. He appeared in my courtyard, right before the July 2019 full moon and brought me enough money to cover my mortgage for a few months. Thank you, Jin Chan. (Photo courtesy of Suzanne Staver)
A woman I know once told me the following story:
One Saturday, during the middle of April 1977, I got this really strong feeling that I should go to a local dance hall that evening, called “Stub’s.” I didn’t know why I had this feeling. It wasn’t my favorite place to go, nor was it somewhere I went regularly. But, the feeling I had was so strong that I couldn’t ignore it. I even went shopping when got done with work and bought a new outfit for the occasion. I didn’t want to go alone, so I called my best friend and then, my older brother, begging them to join me. When I talked with my best friend, she was less than enthusiastic about this idea, “Why do you want to go to Stub’s?” she asked. “I don’t know,” I replied. “I just feel like it and I don’t want to go alone.” Despite their lack of enthusiasm, both my best friend and my brother agreed to go and even convinced their significant others to join us. At the time, I realized how silly all this seemed, to make such a big deal out of “just a feeling,” but for some reason, I felt confident acting upon it.
When the evening finally rolled around, it was not very much fun. The two couples I’d begged to join me were clearly not enjoying the evening or their relationships. I chastised myself for dragging them there and thought, “What was I thinking? I’m bored out of my mind.” Not long after this, a man walked in. My brother and his girlfriend recognized him, greeted him enthusiastically and asked him to join us. He sat down at our table, observed the gloomy couples and said, pointing around the table, “Why don’t you and you go and dance; you and you go and dance; and her and I will go and dance.” We didn’t even know each other’s names, but it didn’t matter. There was an instant connection. We had a great time that evening, and afterwards, he asked me out on a proper date. We were married a year later.
This is the story of how my parents met. And, if you needed any more convincing about why it’s important to heed and honor these illogical, mystical experiences, I hope this story and the realization that you wouldn’t be reading this article right now nor would you even know me, do the trick. I also feel like this underscores the importance of learning to read signs and interpret your dreams. Which, coincidentally, gives me the perfect opportunity for shameless self-promotion. Are you ready?!
I teach people to access the unlimited potential of dream healing, wisdom, and guidance, so they can heal, feel better, solve problems, and ultimately, change their lives. Dreams essentially provide us with a free therapy session each night, directly from source/universe/god/greater consciousness. (And, if you do the math—at least one dream per night x 365 nights in a year, at my rate of $250 per session—that’s a lot of free therapy: $91,250 per year!!) More specifically, dreams provide guidance; advice; insights; hope; energy healing; visions of possible futures; confirmation that we are on the right path, redirection if we are not; allow us to spend time with friends and family, including people who have left the Earthly plane; and sometimes they even let us do cool shit like fly. We just need to know how to read them.
This is where I come in. In case you missed this, I’m offering a self-paced, online dream interpretation course designed for folks who want to access this infinite source in order to heal, feel better, solve problems, and ultimately, change their lives. To find out how you can heal, feel, solve, and change by accessing the unlimited potential of your dreams at the special beta testing rate of only $250 (a heckuva deal when we apply the math discussed above), click here!
I’d love to hear from you. Do any of you have a story of a dream that impacted your life, or another mystical experience that you’d like to share? Contact me here!
Enjoy the article and next time you feel a rupture in space-time, take notice!
The Untapped Potential of Dreams, Signs, and Synchronicities in the Western World